osu!有非常多的快捷键,但是由于缺少引导和介绍,大部分玩家都是通过口口相传或者自己摸索了解到一些快捷键的用法。快捷键可以有效改善游戏刷pp体验。在官方英文wiki上有关于快捷键的介绍,然而对应的中文版本已经年久失修。本文主要是由英文版本翻译而来,补充了一些没有收录但有用的操作,删除了一些无法实现的快捷键 (可能是编者键盘坏了)。
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 关闭游戏客户端(无提示)。如果处于游玩界面、编辑器界面或者osu!direct界面,则退回到选曲界面或主菜单(osu!direct)。 |
| 调整主音量;利用 |
| 重载皮肤。如果在游玩界面或者成绩结算界面按下,则会在回到选曲界面后重载。 |
| 打开/关闭frame times graph。按住 |
| 切换帧数限制模式。 |
| 显示/隐藏聊天栏。 |
| 显示/隐藏扩展聊天栏。 |
| 禁用/启用所有鼠标按键(鼠标滚轮仍可使用)。 |
| 屏幕截图。点击右下角跳出的提示框会打开保存的文件夹。 |
| 截图保存并上传至服务器,同时自动在浏览器中打开截图,方便玩家分享截图。 |
| 最小化osu!至通知栏并且静音游戏(老板键)。 |
| 当网络错误时会启动浏览器打开 osu!status。假如是osu!服务器方面的问题,这个推特账号会及时更新情况。 |
| 打开侧边Options菜单。假如不在主菜单界面将无法打开offset调节窗口。Options菜单里直接敲键盘(例如敲下 |
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 切换全屏模式。 |
| 调整主音量;利用 |
| 返回上级菜单/退出osu!。 |
| 打开play/edit/options菜单。 |
| 进入单人游戏模式。 |
| 进入多人游戏模式。 |
| 进入编辑模式。 |
| 打开侧边Options菜单。 |
| 退出游戏(有提示)。 |
| 显示/关闭FPS。 |
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 前一首歌。 |
| 从开头播放。 |
| 暂停/播放 |
| 停止(重置播放进度)。 |
| 下一首歌。 |
| 打开点唱机选曲菜单,可以搜索并选择某首歌播放或者选择某个收藏夹作为歌单播放 |
| 随机播放。 |
注意:按 F8
或 F9
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 滚动聊天窗口,也可以使用鼠标滚轮。 |
| 自动补完当前输入的昵称。 |
| 关闭当前标签页。 |
| 复制/粘贴。 |
| 切换至相应的标签页。 |
快捷键 | 效果 |
| Mod选择。 |
| 随机谱面。 |
| 回到随机选择前的谱面,等价于 |
| 谱面选项。 |
| 刷新列表,一般是为了读入刚下载好但尚未读入列表中的谱面。 |
| 打开删除对话框,提示选择删除选定图的所有难度、选定难度、所有可见谱面。 |
| osu!std模式。 |
| osu!taiko模式。 |
| osu!catch模式。 |
| osu!mania模式。 |
| Auto模式演示当前谱面。 |
| Cinema模式演示当前谱面。 |
| 切换Auto模式。 |
| osu!mania模式下加快osu!mania的下落速度。 |
| osu!mania模式下降低osu!mania的下落速度。 |
| 清空搜索框。 |
| 分别选择上/下一张图。 |
| 分别选择上/下一套图。 |
| 歌曲列表向上/下滚动。 |
| 开始游玩选定谱面。 |
| 清空搜索框/回到主菜单。 |
这些过滤规则的输入规则一般是“关键词-关系运算符-具体数字”。关键词基本上是谱面的属性,例如 stars, bpm, ar, od, hp, cs, keys等等;关系运算符包括“</>/=/!=”;具体数字由玩家决定。多重过滤规则之间可以用空格隔开表示与操作。
示例:将“stars=6.85 ar=9.6 bpm=200”复制后在歌曲选择页面按"Ctrl
注意: Target practice (osu!std), 1K 与 2K (osu!mania), Co-op (osu!mania), 以及 Mirror (osu!mania)等mod没有快捷键。
快捷键 | Mod |
| Easy |
| No Fail |
| Half Time |
| Hard Rock |
| Sudden Death |
| Perfect |
| Double Time |
| Nightcore |
| Hidden (osu!standard, osu!taiko, and osu!catch) or Fade In (osu!mania) |
| Hidden (osu!mania) |
| Flashlight |
| Relax (osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch) / xK mods (osu!mania) |
| Auto Pilot (osu!standard) / Random (osu!mania) |
| Spun Out (osu!standard) |
| Auto |
| Cinema |
| Score v2 |
| 3K ~ 9K (osu!mania) |
| 保存mod设置。 |
| 重置mod设置。 |
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 逐5ms调整本地offset(按住 |
| 暂停(在观看replay或者Auto、Cinema模式下会直接退出)。 |
| 跳过开头。 |
| 切换左侧榜单显示模式(一直显示/仅在休息时段显示)。 |
| 隐藏/显示acc,combo,分数,血条,进度条等元素。 |
| 调整 osu!mania下落速度(在谱面开头使用有效)。 |
| 立刻retry,并自动跳过开头(出于防误触考虑,轻按是无效的; |
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 隐藏/显示排行榜、滚动文字、右侧四个控制元件等replay元素(可与 |
| 1/2/0.5倍速播放(一个可能的bug是假如在进入replay播放瞬间按 |
| (在成绩结算页面下)导出replay为.osr文件,保存目录为osu/Replays。 |
注意:下面快捷键仅在测试版(Cutting Edge)中有效,切换版本要重启游戏后生效。
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 暂停。 |
| 原速播放。 |
| 2倍速。 |
| 3倍速。 |
| 4倍速。 |
Tips:交替按 5和 6可以达到超低速播放 replay的效果 (当然太快或太慢歌都会变得没法听)。
Tips2:数字键和 F
快捷键 | 效果 |
| 跳至第一个note或歌曲开头处。 |
| 跳至最后一个note或歌曲结尾处。 |
| 从头播放。 |
| 暂停/播放。 |
| Skip through the song. |
| Skip between timing points. |
| Skip through the song at 4x speed. |
| Add a bookmark at the current timestamp. |
| Remove the bookmark in the current timestamp. |
| Jump to the previous/next bookmark. |
| Revert to the last saved state (partial). This will reload the |
| Revert to the last saved state (full). This will reload everything. |
| Opens the difficulty selection window. |
| Save the beatmap in its current state. |
| Prompt to remove all hit objects. |
| Increase/decrease the playback speed by 25%. |
| Increase/decrease the playback speed by 5%. |
| Switch to the compose mode. |
| Switch to the design mode. |
| Switch to the timing mode. |
| Open the song setup dialog. |
| Enter test mode. |
| Open the timing and control points dialog. |
| Add an uninherited timing point at the current timestamp. If not in the timing mode, this will also open the timing and control points dialog. |
| Add a inherited timing point at the current timestamp. This will also open the timing and control points dialog. |
| Delete the current uninherited or inherited section. This will not work on first uninherited timing point. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Seek forward/backward. |
| Seek forward/backward at 4x. |
| Adjust the snap divisor. |
| Adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield. Adjust the timeline zoom when hovering over the timeline. |
| More precisely adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Toggle new combo (when placing new hit objects) or delete object (when selecting). |
Shortcut | Action |
| Return to song selection. |
| Undo. |
| Redo. |
| Select all hit objects. |
| Cut. |
| Copy. |
| Paste. |
| Clone the selection. This will paste the selection 1 measure after last selected object. |
| Delete. |
| Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, slider, and spinner respectively (osu!standard, osu!taiko, or osu!catch). |
| Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, and hold respectively (osu!mania). |
| Switch between placement/selection modes. |
| Open AiMod. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Temporarily toggle distance snap while held down. |
| Toggle distance snap. |
| Temporarily toggle grid snap while held down. |
| Toggle grid snap. |
| Cycle through grid size. |
| Set grid size to tiny. |
| Set grid size to small. |
| Set grid size to medium. |
| Set grid size to large. |
| Toggle locking of hit objects. |
Object manipulation
Shortcut | Action |
| Toggle new combo. |
| Rotate the selection by 90 degrees anticlockwise. |
| Rotate the selection by 90 degrees clockwise. |
| Flip the selection horizontally. |
| Flip the selection vertically. |
| Reverse the selection. That is, move the first selected object to the last selected object and so on. |
| Rotate the selected hit objects by a specified angle (opens a dialog). |
| Scale selected hit objects by a specified amount (opens a dialog). |
| Generate polygons with a specificied number of points (opens a dialog). |
| Convert the selected slider into a hit circle stream (opens a dialog). |
| Nudge the selected notes in the pressed direction. (osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch) |
| Move selected objects left or right one column. (osu!mania) |
| Move selected objects up or down one tick in time. (osu!mania) |
Shortcut | Action |
| Toggle the whistle addition to selection. |
| Toggle the Finish addition to selection. |
| Toggle the Clap addition to selection. |
| Change sampleset for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively. |
| Change addition set for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively. |
| Open the sample import dialog. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Set the beat snap divisor to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 respectively. |
| Ignore the beat snap divisor snapping. |
| Nudge the selection backwards 1 divisor. |
| Nudge the selection forwards 1 divisor. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Open the sprite library overlay. |
| Undo. |
| Redo. |
| Cut the selected sprite. |
| Copy the selected sprite. |
| Paste the sprite at the current time. Note: Pasted sprites will not be shown on the layer list until the beatmap is saved and reloaded. |
| Remove the selected sprite from the layer. |
| Nudge the selected sprite up, left, down, or right respectively one osu!pixel. |
Shortcut | Action |
| Set BPM and offset when tapped to the beat of the song. |
| Increment 4x the normal amount. |
本篇贡献者: Miracle